dimanche 6 septembre 2015

2015 The trends in the car industry itself


with the recent increase in global sales, car manufacturers need to take three powerful forces to increase their market share and expand now, the profits from their products change.
The automotive industry in the world is located in a time relatively strong growth and profitability and its annual sales reached prerecession levels in certain regions. There is still considerable uncertainty about the future still remains.
High technal news:
The most urgent challenge is the diversity of world markets. The leaders of the automotive industry and the experts seem to be on the optimistic side to the American market, a sales forecast in North America at short notice decided a relatively strong 16 million cars, but only $13 million in 2008. The prospects in Europe are much lower than the region so that a decrease in sales of six years. And the sales have plunged in Russia and South America - fell from approximately 25 % and 15 % and in the August 2014 from year to year. Meanwhile, the performance of the Indian market was inconsistent. And the growth in China - the world's largest market of the vehicle - idle speed, even if the equipment for the most original equipment manufacturers (OEMS), of the major challenge for the future demand continues to ramp up. Strategically respond these journeys of the request is an absolute priority for the leadership of the industry by 2015.

Respond strategically for journeys of the request is an absolute priority for the Auto-Fuhrung 2015.
This background for the macro-economic uncertainties, we believe that the great changes are currently restructuring the sector of the manufacturing industry in the course of the next ten years. The OEM-manufacturers, suppliers and dealers are not only driving with these short-term changes for the increase of their market share and profitability - they should also position themselves now measures for the success of the coming decade.
What is the engine of change in the

soil, three powerful forces of the automotive industry but: the development of the consumer demand, extends the rules on the safety and fuel consumption and the increased availability of data and information.
The development of the consumer demand. Consumers seem rethinking their long history of love with brands individual cars and display of cars more than the transport of machines. Although not likely to have a significant impact on the sales volume, as the people are willing to pay for the automotive industry. This will also affect the differentiation of the product as a result of the decline in part a general increase in the quality of the vehicles in the whole of the industry. The Detroit three have caught up with the Japanese sales to OEMS and the mass market is catching up with luxury. Consumers also require the most developed systems of the infoloisirs to low prices and expect more features premium; be the norm.

The most important transitions are underway to manufacture automotive industry manufacturing sector in the course of the next ten years.
Legislation has expanded. Closer Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) regulations the United States and the rest of the world require more expensive for manufacturers OEMS to implement a volume of cushion by the costs. Regulatory authorities are also called for the function for the safety, such as cameras and protective measures are included as standard equipment on new models, in addition even more costs.
Increase the availability of data and information. Information on the use of the vehicle and the behavior of the driver use such as sensors and telematics systems are more and more numerous. All actors involved in the value chain of the automotive industry.

Article Source:http://www.strategyand.pwc.com/perspectives/2015-telecommunications-trends

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