dimanche 6 septembre 2015

If you have a psychosis? Automatic Speech Analysis can the Answer


Correctly answer a program for automatic speech analysis differentiated between the young people have developed the psychosis risk during two and a half years and who is not. In a draft of the validation of principle study, researchers at the Columbia University Medical Center, New York State Psychiatric Institute and IBM T. J. Watson Research Center has found that the analysis computer have a classification more accurate than the ribs clinical practice :high technal news.

About one percent of the population between age between 14 and 27 is a high risk of clinical (CHR) psychosis. CHR have special signs such as abnormal thinking or will, changes perceptuels and suspicion. 20 % OF THE EXPERIENCE OF A real crisis psychotique. Determine falls into this category of 20% was a goal before psychosis happens not tangible. Early detection could lead to intervention and support could lead to a delay, to reduce, or even prevent a mental illness seriously.

Speech represents a window unique in the spirit, important indications that the people think and feel. The participants in the study, participated in a program is open, presenting interview you have described their experiences in the subjective. These discussions have been carried out and then analyzed by computer for the expressions, including the semantics (meaning) and syntax (structure).
The analysis is the consistency semantics of the individual patient (as he still on topic) syntax and structure, such as the length of the sentences and the use of the words connect the fixing of rates. This can intuitively recognize such a clinical sign of thoughts while in a traditional, but a machine can complement the interview, also of the precise measurement of the variable. The participants were then followed over a period of two and a half years.

The speeches of the predicted functions, the psychosis may occur including breaks in the movement of importance for a set of the next and speech was marked by shorter sentences with less developed. The speech Instrument developed in the study carried out for separating these mechanically specific tasks is striking the symptoms to achieve an accuracy of 100 %.  The calculator correctly analyzed, the distinction between the five people later known psychotique and 29 not an incident. These results show that this method could identify disturbances in thinking in its first form in the more subtle, years before the occurrence of psychosis. Disturbances in thinking is at the core of a schizophrenia, but it was difficult to quantify.

In the field of research on the schizophrenia and psychiatry in general the opens up the possibility that the new technologies can help forecast and the diagnosis of mental disorders strictly and the way of the response to a treatment. Automatic Speech Analysis is not very costly and a mobile phone, fast and not minimal. He has the potential to be an effective instrument can be an addition to the interviews clinics and ribs.
Further research with a second, larger group of people at risk is needed to determine if this capacity for automated forecast of the psychosis may occur both strong and reliable. Used in conjunction with automatic speech analysis The neuroimagerie can also be useful for a better understanding of the first disturbances in thinking, and the railway undertakings, the treatment.

This research has been funded the batteries nimh (K23MH066279; R21mh086125, R01MH049334), the National Center for the Advancement of Science (nihul1402 tr000040), the New York State Mental Hygiene office, Lithuanian (K23da034877), and 403 FAPESP research, innovation and dissemination center for (grant neuromathematics 404# 2013/07699-0, S. Paolo Research Foundation).

Article source:http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/08/150824110809.htm

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