dimanche 6 septembre 2015

Saudi Arabia and Korea also have the co-operation


Of the intelligent Saudi Arabia and South Korea yesterday signed contracts to support their co-operation in the development of nuclear reactors in chip.nuclear energy
the documents have been signed in Riyadh Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) - developer Smart ( System-Reaktor modular advanced built-in) - and King Abdallah of Saudi Arabia city atomique and renewable energy sources (KA-supply).  It is signed in the presence of KA-CARE president said Abdullah Yamani.
The contracts are based on a protocol of understanding (EP) both countries signed on 3. March will see the promotion together the reactor, in the world market. The EP was an intergovernmental agreement with these two countries have signed in 2011 for the design and implementation of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

The new Treaties " now as a package ", KA-CARE has said, and integration of cooperation and common construction in the design of the reactor core of a smart.
Smart Technologies as one of the last generation IV design nuclear reactors, KA-CARE has said.
Smart a 330 PVP under pressure in water of the reactor with integral of the steam generator and the tip of the safety devices. The unit designed for the production of electricity (100 MW) as well as the thermal applications, such as the desalination of seawater with a theoretical lifetime 60 years and three years round supply. Although the basic concept is the past, development has been hampered by the absence of a control device for a reference initial training. It has received the approval of the draft standard Korean buffer stock in MI-2012 and KAERI is planning the construction of a factory demonstration activities to be carried out from 2017.

KA-CARE underlined the importance of co-operation between the two countries in the strengthening of the capacity of human resources in the kingdom over the technology transfer from South Korea.
Their cooperation is, KA-CARE said: "The expression of the importance of the use of other sources for the production of electricity, desalination of through the use of radiation and renewable energy sources in the sole purpose of the conservation of resources for the next generations of hydrocarbons or avail for exports or for the industry. It is also attracting investments and employment opportunities" by the involvement of the location of the industries of the energy alternative in the kingdom," said.

Article source:http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Saudi-Arabia-and-Korea-further-SMART-cooperation-03091501.html

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