dimanche 6 septembre 2015

Study shows strong economy for three R


Of the Triple R deposit of uranium in Canada South Lake Patterson about 100.8 million pounds u3O8 (38.770 TU) over a lifetime Minière 14 years ago, after the contents of the results of an evaluation of the economic Preliminary remark (PEA) published the nuclear fission of uranium.nuclear energy.
After the PEA, Hybrid planned open-cast mining and groundwater are an average of 7.2 million pounds u3O8 (2770 TU) per year during the 14 years of the life of the pit, with 77.5 million pounds u3O8 (29.810 TU) received in the first six years in operation. The operating costs means an estimated years 14.02 per pound u3O8 in the long run undermines useful.

The NI43-101 corresponds to PEA survey estimates that the Patterson Lake South project as a mine and autonomous operation of a factory, mining and the development of the R00E and R780. The areas of the Triple R submission. The company stresses that the PEA includes under the category of mineral resources, which are currently too speculative, from, be classified as reservations. The conclusions of the study could be improved by the inclusion of the R600w Room information High, discovered at the beginning of this year and is still in the definition.

Mining Hybrid sees the information with a high content - over 4 % u3O8 - prisoners in open-cast mining, disposal, that an expensive underground mining methods focused factories. The result of the US OJ 14.02 per pound u3O8 Operating costs has been three R potentially cost the most vulnerable producers of uranium in the world, the company said.
The nuclear fission of uranium President, COO and geologist head Ross mcelroy said, EEP showed the sustainable development and the profitability of the Triple R deposit of uranium and has been confirmed as a project " strong " with a strong economy. "In addition to Lake Patterson mill to the south), the potential catchment area at the heart of Key West Athabasca - with the possibility of recording of the ore from other high quality projects in the region, where you will be in the production," he added.

Three R discovered 2012, and is now known for a large, low depth and deposit of uranium from high quality with 30.600 TU indicated means including a Zone to 1.58 % with high content of 17 000 TU, 15.4 % and 10 000 TU resources inferees to 1.3 % (this corresponds to the national instrument 43-101) announced at the beginning of this year. The lake Patterson South capital to 100% by nuclear fission uranium. It is currently in the process of merger with Denison mines in the two companies consolidated movement of uranium in the catchment area of the strategic Athabasca of assets, including the Lake Patterson south and Denison its interests in the river Wheeler to determine mcclean Lake uranium and the work of fusion should be up at the end of October.

Article source:http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/UF-Study-shows-robust-economics-for-Triple-R-0409158.html

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