Information technology

The term is commonly used as a synonym for computers and computer networks, but it also encompasses other information distribution technologies such as television and telephones.

History of computer technology

Devices have been used to aid computation for thousands of years, probably initially in the form of a tally stick. The Antikythera mechanism, dating from about the beginning of the first century BC, is generally considered to be the earliest known mechanical analog computer, and the earliest known geared mechanism.

Data storage

Early electronic computers such as Colossus made use of punched tape, a long strip of paper on which data was represented by a series of holes, a technology now obsolete. Electronic data storage, which is used in modern computers, dates from World War II, when a form of delay line memory was developed to remove the clutter from radar signals, the first practical application of which was the mercury delay line.


Database management systems emerged in the 1960 to address the problem of storing and retrieving large amounts of data accurately and quickly. One of the earliest such systems was IBM's Information Management System (IMS), which is still widely deployed more than 40 years later. IMS stores data hierarchically,

Academic perspective

In an academic context, the Association for Computing Machinery defines IT as "undergraduate degree programs that prepare students to meet the computer technology needs of business, government, healthcare, schools, and other kinds of organizations ....

lundi 25 avril 2016

Antbo is the robot ant to learn about robotics

Really, teaching computer programming seems to be the number 1 priority of the new entrepreneurs of robotics. After monthly box Robobox after Codeybot and after Root, class robot, it is the turn of Antbo, the robot ant made its appearance in the field of recreational and educational robot.
In 2014, DFRobots, a young Chinese company based in Shanghai, launched the idea of ​​a companion robot to learn programming. In January 2016, the team was testing the components of the final product. And early April, the crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo was launched.
Antbo (Ant-bot), thus born of the desire to share the art of computer programming, with the younger but not only. It is intended for all ages and is meant to be fun and easy to manipulate to make accessible robotics and programming. Installation in less than an hour, you can immediately get started in programming. For 223x125x152 mm and 209 grams, the robotic insect is particularly handy. But it is also removable and customizable. It is possible you change parts or add more features forever. Can be directed by the pre-programmed commands, remote control or even by voice and in a radius of at least 15 meters. But it is also able to explore their environment by itself thanks to its sensors and its system composed of 30 neurons.

Another important point Antbo is compatible with multiple platforms. So you can program your robot on Scratch, Arduino or Whendo. The small Chinese robot is so different from his colleagues who are often compatible with some platforms.

Antbo is already available for pre-sale on Indiegogo page of the company, for the sum of $ 69 only (against the $ 150 and more Codeybot). The creators of the robot ant have not yet met that $ 7,000 of the required 50,000, or 14%. You have a month to order your Antbo before the crowdfunding campaign closes. The first delivery scheduled in the month of November.
Antbo is already available for pre-sale on Indiegogo page of the company, for the sum of $ 69 only (against the $ 150 and more Codeybot). The creators of the robot ant have not yet met that $ 7,000 of the required 50,000, or 14%. You have a month to order your Antbo before the crowdfunding campaign closes. The first delivery scheduled in the month of November.

lundi 18 avril 2016

Orange has deployed 100,000 kilometers of fiber

Orange has deployed 100,000 kilometers of fiber ,4G Deployment : Orange and Bouygues still leading
The sporting event is to be a technological showcase for the incumbent, in terms of high speed fixed and mobile.
Forced to turn the page Bouygues Telecom, Orange now move on and prepares for Euro 2016, major event of football but also technology. As the incumbent operator, the leader in optical fiber and 4G, the group has no room for error.
One thing is certain, Orange has every chance of his side to demonstrate its expertise and make this competition which takes place in France a technology showcase for high speed fixed and mobile.

4 years of work

No less than four years of work were needed to prepare the event. The data provide dizzy: 100. 000 kilometers of optical fiber have been deployed in stages, twice around the Earth to ensure optimal transmission of data, especially for the hundreds of media present. 220 TV channels will be based on the Orange network to transmit the matches. In terms of flows, Orange promises more than 2 terabits per second for ten stages, never seen.
It also has 680 Wi-Fi hotspots to more than 110,000 concurrent connections. 4G has not been forgotten with a densification of antennas: Some stadiums will count 132, allowing viewers to surf without a hitch.
"An event like this is a technical feat," said Stéphane Richard, CEO of the operator. It is also a strategic moment in terms of image for Orange and indirectly to its business.

Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro S

 Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro S ,Windows 10: Microsoft relaunches för iOS Bridge project
The new Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro S takes the name of the product range Android while running Windows 10. This hybrid model is the latest in a long series of terminals seeking to create a Windows tablet that either both useful, intuitive and attractive. It is Microsoft that has most approached this ideal compromise with its Surface range which over four generations has become a great product.
We could recommend the Surface Pro 4 as the Windows tablet reference, but it has a major flaw: it is expensive. This is because the protective keyboard cover, which is essential for everyday use, is sold separately. Result, the base price is 999 euros to which add 149 euros for the Type Cover.
The Galaxy S footprint TabPro the best area while correcting some of its shortcomings. The most important information is that Samsung offers a model equipped with an AMOLED screen 12 inches with an Intel Core m3, 128 GB SSD and above the protective keyboard cover for 950 euros. An effort which we welcome as a sign of respect towards consumers.
Although it offers excellent value for money, the S TabPro however, is not perfect. The keyboard has a nice clear impression of strength, it is not as advanced as that of the Surface Pro 4. In this latest version, Microsoft has opted for chicklet keys that are similar to those found on keyboards of laptops while the Samsung keyboard is equipped with flush buttons without spaces that are much less ergonomic. Operation is noisy compared to the sweetness of the keyboard area, which may explain why Microsoft invoice 149 euros.
One like the other use a magnetic connection system with the screen that is reassuring. The Samsung model protects both the front and back of the tablet while the keyboard-cover the area only covers the screen. In terms of ergonomics, there is an area in which the Galaxy S TabPro beats the Surface Pro 4 and another in which he is outclassed.
Without the protective cover, the tablet portion of the TabPro S is incredibly thin and light with 689 grams on the scale against 798 grams for the Surface Pro 4. But the area incorporates a swivel foot that allows positioning the screen almost n 'any angle.
This is a huge advantage over the S TabPro that do not have integrated foot and uses his sleeve to offer only two screen positions: one almost right and the other much more tilted back . Neither of them seemed to us perfectly in our tests of various positions on desks and chairs. However, the low position be well enough when one is sitting in a couch with tablet on his lap. Those who feel comfortable with both positions thoughts by Samsung engineers lucky. For others, not having more freedom of adjustment is a real downer.
Another difference is the pen that Microsoft includes with the surface while Samsung sells it separately. Its release was delayed and has not yet information on its availability in France. We could try it briefly at the press presentation and it seemed rather efficient for drawing and sketches.
Apart from its keyboard comes home, the biggest advantage of TabPro S is its AMOLED pixels 2.160x1.440 that the Korean brand already uses on many of its smartphones. The result is breathtaking with a clear image even clear and bright under the most extreme angles.
One of the reasons that Samsung may propose a keyboard-cover and an AMOLED screen for less than 1,000 euros is the choice of a Core processor Intel m3 which is not as powerful as Core i5 or i7 that found on most computers. This is the second generation of Core M that progresses performance level and autonomy from the first generation that was pretty disappointing (especially present in the MacBook 12-inch).
In common usage, the processor has made the grade for web browsing, playing videos in high definition, but the system could sometimes jerky. However, good flow by using the new Microsoft Edge browser that is optimized for Windows 10. The range of the Surface Pro 4 entry model is also equipped with a Core m3 chip is stored, but Microsoft offers other configurations Core i5 and Core i7.
The autonomy of the S TabPro were pleasantly surprised, especially beating the Surface Pro 4 and the 12-inch MacBook. She held 9h23mn our online video streaming test, which is ample for a full day of work. It is also 4 times better than the Surface Pro 4.
The TabPro Samsung S is not perfect, but its few flaws serve a just cause: to offer a high-end Windows tablet for a reasonable price. The price / quality ratio is excellent especially considering the Amoled screen and long battery life. But the main argument is the presence of a keyboard-cover supplied as standard makes this product far more useful out of the box. And the goal is not it precisely to offer users useful tools?

Robird is the robot raptor Clear Flight Solutions soon take flight

 Robird is the robot raptor Clear Flight Solutions soon take flight
The birds are real wounds for many professionals. They peck farmers' fields, waste reception invest and endanger some flights, besides excrement they leave almost everywhere. A Dutch company could well have found the solution with Robird. The robotic falcon model of Clear Flight Solutions should beat first wings to Weeze airport, Germany.
"We solve problems by combining the power of nature to new technologies." That one sentence ambition of Clear Flight Solutions (CFS), a spin-off company of the University of Trent, the Netherlands. Robirds the CFS offer their services in four main areas: agriculture, waste management, airports and ports.
"We have already stolen our Robirds and our drones in many places, but do it in an airport, it is a first" said Nico Nijenhuis, CEO of the company. A step even more crucial that the Clear Flight Solutions engineers had to overcome a number of strengths, including Schipol airport "who was interested for several years, but the Dutch laws prevent us from conducting tests. This is easier in Germany, which is why we finally opted for Weeze airport "he explains.
Very surprising reluctance given that Schipol airport is already conducting tests to integrate KLM service robots. The fact remains that the Netherlands have made the fight against drones a priority. The Dutch authorities have already developed drones to capture unauthorized flying machines. More surprisingly, the police also trained eagles to attack these harmful drones or criminals. Practical reasons also favored the choice of Weeze Airport. It receives only 2.5 million passengers per year, against 55 million for Schiphol Airport. An air mess in which it is difficult to make room for newcomers.
In this airport, mission eagles and hawks CFS will be to the policeman and away the many birds that find refuge in these great open spaces. The aim is to avoid possible air disasters. For if the drones are collisions with aircraft makers, is the birds that we must take in the overwhelming majority of cases. Remember the spectacular landing of an A320 on the Hudson right in New York, in 2009. An emergency landing caused by a collision ... with a flock of geese. The Robird CFS is so well designed that perfectly imitates the flight of a bird of prey, so that the birds decamp immediately, as smart as they are to overcome the various control systems implemented by airports ( and that would cost billions of dollars annually worldwide). A new biomimetic device that has proven itself.
And because, according to CFS, when introducing a predator in an ecosystem, it is the system to adapt to this new element. Under the supervision of robotic raptors, volatile population in a given area, shows a decrease of 50%. The benefits of a true falcon, with those of a replica: the robotic falcon does not effectively chase the birds, they will go instinctively to its territory.
Rest assured, the mission of Clear Flight Solutions is not to eradicate the bird population of the planet surface. In a greener register, the company also offers drones to inspect certain areas such as the Province of Overijssel, in search of water birds whose population unfortunately cease to fall.

Robird is the robot raptor Clear Flight Solutions soon take flight

The birds are real wounds for many professionals. They peck farmers' fields, waste reception invest and endanger some flights, besides excrement they leave almost everywhere. A Dutch company could well have found the solution with Robird. The robotic falcon model of Clear Flight Solutions should beat first wings to Weeze airport, Germany.
"We solve problems by combining the power of nature to new technologies." That one sentence ambition of Clear Flight Solutions (CFS), a spin-off company of the University of Trent, the Netherlands. Robirds the CFS offer their services in four main areas: agriculture, waste management, airports and ports.
"We have already stolen our Robirds and our drones in many places, but do it in an airport, it is a first" said Nico Nijenhuis, CEO of the company. A step even more crucial that the Clear Flight Solutions engineers had to overcome a number of strengths, including Schipol airport "who was interested for several years, but the Dutch laws prevent us from conducting tests. This is easier in Germany, which is why we finally opted for Weeze airport "he explains.
Very surprising reluctance given that Schipol airport is already conducting tests to integrate KLM service robots. The fact remains that the Netherlands have made the fight against drones a priority. The Dutch authorities have already developed drones to capture unauthorized flying machines. More surprisingly, the police also trained eagles to attack these harmful drones or criminals. Practical reasons also favored the choice of Weeze Airport. It receives only 2.5 million passengers per year, against 55 million for Schiphol Airport. An air mess in which it is difficult to make room for newcomers.
In this airport, mission eagles and hawks CFS will be to the policeman and away the many birds that find refuge in these great open spaces. The aim is to avoid possible air disasters. For if the drones are collisions with aircraft makers, is the birds that we must take in the overwhelming majority of cases. Remember the spectacular landing of an A320 on the Hudson right in New York, in 2009. An emergency landing caused by a collision ... with a flock of geese. The Robird CFS is so well designed that perfectly imitates the flight of a bird of prey, so that the birds decamp immediately, as smart as they are to overcome the various control systems implemented by airports ( and that would cost billions of dollars annually worldwide). A new biomimetic device that has proven itself.
And because, according to CFS, when introducing a predator in an ecosystem, it is the system to adapt to this new element. Under the supervision of robotic raptors, volatile population in a given area, shows a decrease of 50%. The benefits of a true falcon, with those of a replica: the robotic falcon does not effectively chase the birds, they will go instinctively to its territory.
Rest assured, the mission of Clear Flight Solutions is not to eradicate the bird population of the planet surface. In a greener register, the company also offers drones to inspect certain areas such as the Province of Overijssel, in search of water birds whose population unfortunately cease to fall.

samedi 13 février 2016

DARPA's fully-loaded quadcopter autonomously navigates an indoor maze at 45 mph

The quadcopter reached speeds of 20 m/s (45 mph)

DARPA recently flew a fully-laden quadcopter through an indoor obstacle course at 45 mph (32 km/h) as part of the agency's Fast Lightweight Autonomy (FLA) program. The test flight was conducted entirely under autonomous control with the goal of developing small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) with the ability to navigate through tight spaces without the need for outside control or GPS.

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Category: Drones

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vendredi 12 février 2016

Arrows iRig One makes windsurfing inflatable

The iRig One is designed to be much lighter than a traditional windsurfing rig, making it ...

With the introduction of products like a self-inflating electric board and paddleboard-tent, the inflatable stand-up paddleboard (SUP) market has seen its fair share of innovation. Now the inflatable SUP accessories market is getting some serious innovation of its own. Two German companies have teamed up to create an inflatable windsurfing set-up called the Arrows iRig One. This all-in-one board sail packs small and light, inflates quickly and puts the power of weather into your board.

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Mercedes turns the Sprinter into a mean, green Extreme dump truck

The Mercedes Sprinter Extreme brings a serious work ethic

A few weeks ago, we looked at one of the cooler uses of a Mercedes Sprinter chassis in the Hymer Van S. As it happens, Mercedes has some pretty cool ideas of its own. Billed as the "ultimate work machine," the Sprinter Extreme Concept boasts serious hauling capabilities and a bright neon paint job. Whereas something like the Brabus Business Lounge is the ultimate Sprinter for white collars, the Extreme might just be the ultimate Sprinter for blue collars.

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Which came first, the drone or the PowerEgg?

The PowerEgg unfolds to reveal a fully-functional quadcopter

Conventional drones are often billed as portable, though they're also often a collection of rods, rotors, and other bits and pieces that are perfect for catching on things and getting tangled. To make taking drones into the backcountry a bit less onerous, Beijing-based Powervision Robot has taken the gubbins of a quadcopter and built them into a giant PowerEgg that folds up into one smooth package shaped like a cackleberry for transport.

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Tech can tell if you're in love

Where's that thermographic camera when you need it?

As Valentine's Day fast approaches, many people in the thralls of a new relationship may find themselves wondering, "Does he/she really love me?". Well, if those people have access to a thermal imaging camera, they may just get their answer – at least, so a group of researchers at the University of Granada tells us.

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Pyongyang plays hide and seek with observation satellites

Pyongyang plays hide and seek with observation satellites
Pyongyang  hide and seek . Analysts studying the data of commercial satellites that orbit the Earth are often reduced to speculate on ballistic and North Korean nuclear capabilities since Pyongyang perfects his camouflage techniques.

Satellite images have been around for decades but were long at almost exclusive use of the state and military. It is only since the beginning of the 21st century as commercial images are available for civilians. Pictures taken by companies such as DigitalGlobe and DS Airbus has opened new opportunities to learn more about one of the most hermetic countries worldwide.

The nuclear test site of Punggye-ri, in the northeast, and the launch site Sohae satellites in the northwest, are the main monitored places. “From the beginning, the analysis requests documented Pyongyang  surpassed those for other country, except perhaps Iran,” told AFP Allison Puccioni, satellite imagery analyst. “The fervor in media especially around the site of Punggye-ri, is unmatched.” Analysts must have strong knowledge in areas such as nuclear fuel cycles or advanced weapons systems. Over time, the North Koreans “have implemented new measures of concealment,” continues Ms. Puccioni. “They are clearly aware of the orbital paths of satellites and operate according to avoid detection.” Work at night or in bad weather are also good ways to hide. In a message posted on the website 38 North of the US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University, Jack Liu analyst notes that the fourth North Korean nuclear test has taken the international community completely by surprise. “Unlike the 2013 trial, when had seen a revival of the weeks activities, very little activity was visible” before January 6, he wrote.

  –Improved accuracy

“The North Koreans have continued to improve operational safety and camouflage procedures, limiting what can be seen by commercial satellites.” The site 38 North is specialized in the analysis of satellite imagery of Pyongyang , also studied by IHS Jane’s and the Institute for International Security and Science, Washington. Jenny Town, 38 North, said the North Koreans quickly adapted to satellites. “They know what we want, when they learned when not to do things,” she told AFP. The North has covered or moved some structures to hide from view. This is the case especially Sohae. A rocket can now be transported, assembled, erected on a pad and escape the goals. “We see the movement, but we do not know what is moved, or if something is actually moved,” she added Town. In preparation for the first successful firing of North Korean rocket in December 2012, satellite images showed the three-stage rocket on the launch pad. The craft shot Sunday has never been photographed. A picture dated the day before just showing a truck containing “maybe” on the third floor.

RESPONSE. “This is due to the camouflage techniques. They did not show what happened during the hours of satellites”, further emphasizes the analyst. Pyongyang concealment efforts are partially offset by technical progress. In June 2014, US federal law allowed companies to sell images with a resolution of 25 centimeters per pixel, a degree of accuracy improved by 400% compared to the existing. Other tools, radar and infrared imaging. “With radar, we return including hidden items because they pierce camouflage,” Ms. Puccioni. Meanwhile, the number of companies that provide these images increases. Over the next five years, about 70 new satellites will be launched, which will add to the 14 machines already in orbit. “The constellation will be much bigger,” she says.

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BMW xDrive M760Li: excellent BMW

BMW xDrive M760Li: excellent BMW
 Behind this name extension hides the more disproportionate BMW xDrive M760Li: length of 5.23 m, the new V12 biturbo 600 hp and 305 km / h top speed! To discover urgently to the next Geneva show.

To believe BMW 7 Series 750Li in the strong version of 450 hp does not seem quite luxurious and powerful. Indeed, the manufacturer will unveil at the Geneva show in 2016 an even more exclusive declination: the BMW xDrive M760Li.

The centerpiece of this is BMW’s new V12 6.6 biturbo developing 600 hp and 800 Nm of torque. To put all this cavalry ground, transmission, four-wheel drive xDrive is not superfluous. Thus equipped, this limo reaches 100 km / h in 3.9 s and 250 km / h in peak. With the M Driver pack optional electronic flange that limits the maximum speed can be raised to 305 km / h.

The electronic flange BMW xDrive M760Li this can be raised to reach 305 km / h at top speed!

In addition to high performance, the eight-speed Septronic should bring a lot of comfort and flexibility. Its mapping has been revised to ensure more typical sports gear shifts and faster downshifts.

To ensure proper behavior, this M760Li xDrive adopts the active anti-roll function of the 20-inch wheels (275/35 R20 at the rear), four-wheel steering and a revised braking system.

The driving aids, existing on other versions, are not left out either. This produces the Advanced Safety Pack including Active Cruise Control with Stop & Go function, the auto-pilot (automatic driving curve in highway driving up to 210 km / h), the bottling assistant (up 60 km / h), the Blind Spot … It also features gestural commands that we discovered when testing the new BMW 7 Series.

The interior receives a personalized treatment with some specific details such as the pedals and footrest branded M, the “V12” logo on the center console, a speedometer scaled to 330 km / h … To all this add various packages and many options.

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Osprey MV-22 version replaces the C-2A Greyhound US Navy

Charles de Gaulle : Greyhound C3-2A landed on the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle,Osprey
CMV-22B Osprey: In service since 1966, the C-2A “Greyhound” is an embedded transport plane, equipped with two turboprop engines, and service in the US Navy only.

Developed based on the E-2 “Hawkeye”, the “Greyhound” is a highly useful device since it allows to carry, thanks to its access ramp at the back, 4 536 kg, or, 26 military or 12 stretchers for casualty evacuation from an aircraft carrier sailing in the sea and a base which is on the mainland.

But in a few years, the US Navy will withdraw its aircraft fleet in the last thirty-five “Greyhound” still in service because of their age, although they are widely used to resupply the forces which use the gate -avions engaged in an operation.

In order to replace this type of aircraft, the Naval Air Systems Command revealed in a press release issued February 3, 2016, a new version of the V-22 Osprey Boeing and Bell would be produced.

Commonly called Carrier Onboard Delivery, this new version will be designated CMV-22B Osprey and have the same tasks that are currently assigned to the C-2A still in service. If Osprey already providing transport missions for the US Navy, they had no official name and were simply called “Navy variant”.

With this formalization, the US Navy plans to develop CMV-22B based on the MV-22B, which is a version used by the US Marine Corps and embarked on amphibious ships, helicopter carriers as at the image of our PCBs in France.

If the design is basically the same, the Naval Air Systems Command says in its press release that the CMV-22B version will have three main changes. The first includes the addition of larger reservoirs that will allow greater autonomy in theft of these devices, which is convenient to join an aircraft carrier that can be quite far from the coast. The second change sees the integration of a high frequency radio on aircraft avionics, and finally, the third and latest addition includes the installation of a “public address system”, which are actually speakers .

According to official information provided, the US Navy plans to buy forty-four versions of the CMV-22B Osprey with its manufacturer. Production of the first aircraft is expected to begin in 2018, and the first units should arrive in force from 2020.

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NASA begins construction of SLS core stage mock-up

Artist's impression of the SLS core mockup

NASA has begun the process of constructing a mock-up of the vast core section of its planned Space Launch System (SLS) rocket. The simulated core will serve as a practice tool for NASA prior to the 2018 launch of the SLS, which the agency hopes will move mankind one step closer to undertaking a manned mission to Mars.

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Likelihood of contacting Philae "getting close to zero"

Artist's impression of Philae landed on 67P

According to Rosetta's science team, hostile surface conditions prevailing on the comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko (67P) have rendered any hopes of re-establishing communications with the Philae lander negligible.

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Scientists use laser to "weld" neurons together

The process might one day be used in the treatment of spinal cord injuries

Whether it's as a research tool or a step in repairing severed nerves, the ability to join neurons together has some serious applications. If left to occur naturally, the process takes several hours, limiting its practicality. Now, however, scientists at the University of Alberta's Faculty of Engineering have developed a method of doing so within 15 milliseconds.

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SoCalGas Plugs the Massive Porter Ranch Methane Leak—For Now

SoCalGas Plugs the Massive Porter Ranch Methane Leak—For Now

The cloud of methane is temporarily controlled, and a permanent fix is on the way.

The post SoCalGas Plugs the Massive Porter Ranch Methane Leak—For Now appeared first on WIRED.

You can now build your own full-sized, remote-controlled BB-8 bot

A new, freely-available guide allows anyone to build their own BB-8 droid, providing they have the ...

After seeing the latest Star Wars movie, you'd struggle to have missed the adorable new robotic character – BB-8. While a small-scale version of the droid was one of the hottest toys over the holiday season, more ambitious fans now have another option, with creator Ed's Junk making his plans for building a full-scale replica freely available.

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Category: Robotics

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Propeller-like Nexus Building would tower over Pearl River Delta

By splitting the Nexus Building into three volumes, it is said to be better equipped to ...

If a masterplan by PLP Architecture comes to fruition, a new metropolitan center in China's Pearl River Delta will feature one of the tallest buildings in the world. The 595-m (1,952-ft) Nexus Building comprises three offset volumes and is the centerpiece of the scheme, which also incorporates a smaller office tower, a performing arts center and a central concourse.

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Inflatable cushions keep Sports Hall of Lamezia Terme comfortable

The structure comprises a steel frame with an outer layer of ETFE pressured air cushions

Lamezia Terme's new arena looks comfortable enough to flop onto for a snooze, but it's designed for much more energetic activities than that: it's the Italian town's new sports hall. Indeed, the comfy-looking pillows on its exterior are hard at work themselves, helping to light the building and regulate its temperature.

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