lundi 25 avril 2016

Antbo is the robot ant to learn about robotics

Really, teaching computer programming seems to be the number 1 priority of the new entrepreneurs of robotics. After monthly box Robobox after Codeybot and after Root, class robot, it is the turn of Antbo, the robot ant made its appearance in the field of recreational and educational robot.
In 2014, DFRobots, a young Chinese company based in Shanghai, launched the idea of ​​a companion robot to learn programming. In January 2016, the team was testing the components of the final product. And early April, the crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo was launched.
Antbo (Ant-bot), thus born of the desire to share the art of computer programming, with the younger but not only. It is intended for all ages and is meant to be fun and easy to manipulate to make accessible robotics and programming. Installation in less than an hour, you can immediately get started in programming. For 223x125x152 mm and 209 grams, the robotic insect is particularly handy. But it is also removable and customizable. It is possible you change parts or add more features forever. Can be directed by the pre-programmed commands, remote control or even by voice and in a radius of at least 15 meters. But it is also able to explore their environment by itself thanks to its sensors and its system composed of 30 neurons.

Another important point Antbo is compatible with multiple platforms. So you can program your robot on Scratch, Arduino or Whendo. The small Chinese robot is so different from his colleagues who are often compatible with some platforms.

Antbo is already available for pre-sale on Indiegogo page of the company, for the sum of $ 69 only (against the $ 150 and more Codeybot). The creators of the robot ant have not yet met that $ 7,000 of the required 50,000, or 14%. You have a month to order your Antbo before the crowdfunding campaign closes. The first delivery scheduled in the month of November.
Antbo is already available for pre-sale on Indiegogo page of the company, for the sum of $ 69 only (against the $ 150 and more Codeybot). The creators of the robot ant have not yet met that $ 7,000 of the required 50,000, or 14%. You have a month to order your Antbo before the crowdfunding campaign closes. The first delivery scheduled in the month of November.

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