lundi 18 avril 2016

Robird is the robot raptor Clear Flight Solutions soon take flight

The birds are real wounds for many professionals. They peck farmers' fields, waste reception invest and endanger some flights, besides excrement they leave almost everywhere. A Dutch company could well have found the solution with Robird. The robotic falcon model of Clear Flight Solutions should beat first wings to Weeze airport, Germany.
"We solve problems by combining the power of nature to new technologies." That one sentence ambition of Clear Flight Solutions (CFS), a spin-off company of the University of Trent, the Netherlands. Robirds the CFS offer their services in four main areas: agriculture, waste management, airports and ports.
"We have already stolen our Robirds and our drones in many places, but do it in an airport, it is a first" said Nico Nijenhuis, CEO of the company. A step even more crucial that the Clear Flight Solutions engineers had to overcome a number of strengths, including Schipol airport "who was interested for several years, but the Dutch laws prevent us from conducting tests. This is easier in Germany, which is why we finally opted for Weeze airport "he explains.
Very surprising reluctance given that Schipol airport is already conducting tests to integrate KLM service robots. The fact remains that the Netherlands have made the fight against drones a priority. The Dutch authorities have already developed drones to capture unauthorized flying machines. More surprisingly, the police also trained eagles to attack these harmful drones or criminals. Practical reasons also favored the choice of Weeze Airport. It receives only 2.5 million passengers per year, against 55 million for Schiphol Airport. An air mess in which it is difficult to make room for newcomers.
In this airport, mission eagles and hawks CFS will be to the policeman and away the many birds that find refuge in these great open spaces. The aim is to avoid possible air disasters. For if the drones are collisions with aircraft makers, is the birds that we must take in the overwhelming majority of cases. Remember the spectacular landing of an A320 on the Hudson right in New York, in 2009. An emergency landing caused by a collision ... with a flock of geese. The Robird CFS is so well designed that perfectly imitates the flight of a bird of prey, so that the birds decamp immediately, as smart as they are to overcome the various control systems implemented by airports ( and that would cost billions of dollars annually worldwide). A new biomimetic device that has proven itself.
And because, according to CFS, when introducing a predator in an ecosystem, it is the system to adapt to this new element. Under the supervision of robotic raptors, volatile population in a given area, shows a decrease of 50%. The benefits of a true falcon, with those of a replica: the robotic falcon does not effectively chase the birds, they will go instinctively to its territory.
Rest assured, the mission of Clear Flight Solutions is not to eradicate the bird population of the planet surface. In a greener register, the company also offers drones to inspect certain areas such as the Province of Overijssel, in search of water birds whose population unfortunately cease to fall.

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